Drug & Alcohol Addiction
The financial strength of your drug and alcohol addiction treatment practice is directly correlated to timely billing and account reimbursement. AMDS Group, Inc. provides your drug and alcohol addiction treatment practice with a comprehensive Medical Billing Service and receivables management system for drug and alcohol addiction treatment practices. Our rates are extremely competitive, our service is second to none and we are committed to maximizing your drug and alcohol addiction treatment practice income while simultaneously treating your patients with courtesy and compassion.
Outsourcing your drug and alcohol addiction treatment practice medical billing, electronic health records, and practice management to AMDS Group, Inc. is a highly efficient method for increasing your revenue, while taking the heavy lifting off your shoulders. Our medical billing and record experts have the knowledge and the software to supply you with a comprehensive medical billing service, with rates and skills to minimize your effort and maximize your profit.
To learn more about our drug and alcohol addiction treatment practice medical billing, electronic health records, and practice management services, contact AMDS Group, Inc. today by calling 606-324-0016 or Requesting A Quote.